Soviet Deportations of Estonians: Conditions--Schools

Figure 1.--This was the Tomsk Oblast, Aleksandrovski Region, Retška Panja village elementary school. The deported Estonian children are in front of the village club on April 5, 1946. In the upper row from left to right: 2. Valli (Valentina) Liivik, 3. Teo Maiste, 6. Juhan Oja, 8. Petja (Pjotr) Rezvov, 9. Riina Leevald, 10. Ants Kõlli; second row from above: 1. Liia Pikat, 2. Ants Pikat, 3. Maie Leevald, 5. Ants Leevald; third row from above: 1. Viive Prüüs, 7. Helja Beck (died in 1947).

We do not yet have much information about the schooling of the children of the Estonians deported. I do not know to what exctent schools were set up for the children or at what age the young people were expected to begin working. We know that primarily schools were operating by 1946. We note that many of the families deported were were reasonably affluent and fashionably dressed in Estonia. The children here looked adequately dressed, but rather roughly, reflecting their new circumstances. One boy looks to be wearing a sailor suit. Many boys have shaved or cropped hair, but not all. We note a few boys wearing bangs. They also look well fed. Perhaps this reflects improved conditions after World War II, but most deportee accounts mention hunger. Perhaps this referred to the first years of deportment. One wonders what the children were told about the deportment in the schools. Presumablt the teachers were Russians. Secondary schools were also eventually established. Deportees, however, had dificuly gaining acceptance to universities.


Kistler-Ritso Estonian Foundation. (We used an article in their web site, but I am nor sure who the author was or what the title of the article was.)


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Created: April 12, 2004
Last updated: April 12, 2004