*** World War II children's collectables

World War II Collectables: Blitz Shrapnel (1942)

collecting shrapnel
Figure 1.-- Here we see London boys in 1942 wiyh their shrapnel colldctions. We are not enitely sure what they are doing. They seem to be sorting out their collections, but why they are doing that on the sidewalk we are not sure. The Germans were not bombing Britain to any extent at the time. So the collections were put together earlier during the Blitz (1940-41).

Here we see boys in South London during 1942 with their shrapnel collections. We are not entirely sure what they are doing. They seem to be sorting out their collections, but why they are doing that on the sidewalk at the same time as iothers we are not sure. The Germans were not bombing Britain to any extent at the time. So the collections were put together earlier during the Blitz (1940-41). A British rader writes, "The children are sorting out their shrapnel. We see children, particularly boys, with their shrapnel cvollections. I believe they were sorting out their collections and exchange pieces perhaps to trade with other boys for shrapnel they did not have. This was a specialised hobby with youngsters knowing about different types of shrapnel. There would ha ve been much disagreement over this type of collecting. It must have rquired very specialised knowledge the boys had developed. They are taking alot of trouble to sdort out their collction. There may have been some childish competion involved because the shrapnel is being collected and sorted . It seems some boys have put their collected pieces into an artistic design. I suspect any piece which is different to their collection will be held back and added to it. Something apparently is going on unknown to adult observers." 【Ferguson】 We do not know why the boys have gsthered at yhis pzrticulr locagtion. TYhere was very little German bombing in 1942 and thus nothing to pick up on the street. We have bonidea why the boys in mid-1942 would be gathered to sort out their colldction on the sidewalk. I don't think that there was much in the terms of Grrman bombing at the time.


Fergusson, William, E-mail message (April 25, 2023).


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Created: 10:11 PM 4/26/2023
Last updated: 10:11 PM 4/26/2023