World War II: Second British Evacuation--Scenes

Figure 1.--Here we see two London policewomen helping with the evacuation children in June-September 1940. You did not see scenes like this in 1939 when long lines of children were evacuated. The 1940 evacuations were handled with much smaller groupos of children over a longer period. This is why two police officers have time to help with a small group. have time

The evacuation scenes we see in 1940 were different than in 1939. The scenes for the second evacuation were different in several different ways. The first evacuations were done through schools. They involved much of the school evacuating and large groups of children. It was also done within a short period of time, actually a few days. The second evacuation in 1940 were done with smaller groups of children spread over a longer period. And we see parents taking the children to the train stations instead of dropping them off at their schools. We see police and othger personnel aiding the parents and children. This was not as common in 1939 as the school staff was looking after the children and in ordely lines. They were also large numbers at single destinatins. This is helpful as many of the available photographs are not identified. At least that is our assessment. Perhaps reades will have some insights here.


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Created: 9:13 AM 4/30/2018
Last updated: 9:13 AM 4/30/2018