Hitler's Messianic Leadership: Governing Years

Germany Hitler Youth
Figure 1.-- It is impossible to quantify Hitler's true popularity among the German people given the consequences of freely expressing one's views. There is little doubt, however, that many Germans were impressed and that Hitler was a very popular figure in pre-War Germany. Here a group of Hitler Youth boys are rushing to get a good view of Hitler who apparently making a local appearance. This still from a film clip is dated 1937. The man at the left is a policeman.

Seizing control of the German state of course made a huge difference to Hitler and the NAZIs. Now all the resources of the state could be used to build Hitler's image. Critics could be easily and permanently silenced. Hitler's stature steadily grew after he became Chancellor. There were accomplishments or more acuately described apparent accomplishments. He put Germans back to work and reduced unemployment. And unemployment was the primary problem that undermined public confidence in the Weimar Republic. The principal tool to end the Depression and unemployment was a massive rearmament program. That created jobs. And after conscription was introduced (1935), removed young men from the work force. And NAZI policy was to reuce the number of girls pursuing higher education, this further reduced unemployment which as aocial issue primarily mean male unemploymdnt. There was also the RAD--a CCC-like youth work program. Unlike the CCC it was compulsory. The NAZIs steadily took over welfare agencies from religious groups, further improving their image. Worker groups set up vacation programs. An element of NAZI social policy was to reduce class barriers this was popular with many young working-class Germans because of the opportunities opened to them. Than came the stunning international successes: the Saarland, the Rhineland, the Anschluss (1938), and finally the Sudetenlans (1938)--all achieved without war. And the German media managed by Propaganda Minister Goebbels trumpeted the doestic and international achievements. It should not be imagined that he appealed to all Germans. Some Germans were repelled by him. They were forced to keep quiet. It is impossible to quantify his true popularity given the consequences of freely expressing one's views. There is little doubt, however, that many Germans were impressed and that Hitler was a very popular figure. The NAZI pre-War economy, especially the massive military spending, was unsustainable, but clever financial management hid this from the German people and of course the press did not ask questions.


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Created: 5:04 PM 4/2/2011
Last updated: 4:20 PM 4/3/2011