Hitler's Messianic Leadership: The Question

Germany Hitler Youth
Figure 1.--A very difficult question to answer is what the German people saw in Adolf Hitler. Americans and Brits lestening to Hitler's speeches are repelled and have a difficult time understanding how the this frenzied politican could have moved a great nation. We can understand how some of the nationalist issues resonated. What is more difficult to understand is why Hitler captured the hearts of so many Germans. Note that the HJ boy here for a portrait has combed his hair like the Führer.

A difficult question to answer is what the German people saw in Adolf Hitler. How could such a hateful man rise to power in a democratic country? We can understand how some of the nationalist issues resonated (war guilt, loss of territory, Germans left in foreign countries, military restrictions, and repriations). What is more difficult to understand is why Hitler captured the hearts of so many Germans. There is no doubt that he did. Very few Germans would admit after the War that they were mesmorized by Hitler. But you can see it on the faces of the people in the crowds that cheered him. It was certainly the case with young people, but certainly not only the young people. Germans trusted the man. There are mzny instances that individuals would write Hitler to report abuses at concentration camps or the killing of handicapped children. They could not believe that Hitler could have ordered such things. Some of these individuals were as a result arrested.


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Created: 7:42 AM 5/24/2010
Last updated: 7:42 AM 5/24/2010