*** war and social upheaval: World War II Japan strengths

World War II: Japan--Strengths

World War II Japanese Strengths
Figure 1.--Japan's greatest asset was an intensely patriotic, fanatical military commuted to obeying orders and fighting to the death. This was not just the commanders, it was a martial ethos extending to the ordinary soldiers. In fact, the yoth drafted into the miliary were incukcated with tyhis commiment even as students. Soldiers that refuse to surrender do not win wars, but they do pose a challenge to the forces opposing them--leading to heavy casualties.

The Japanese military had some real strengths. Japan was an industrial power, in fact the only industrial power in Asia. This gave them the ability to wage war in China, a much more populous country. Japan was better prepared for war than America, at least a short war. Japan's greatest asset was an intensely patriotic, fanatical military commuted to obeying orders and fighting to the death. This was not just the commanders, it was a martial ethos extending to the ordinary soldiers. Soldiers that refuse to surrender do not win wars, but they do pose a challenge to the forces opposing them--leading to heavy casualties. But the Army and Navy, involved in a bitter inter-service rivalry, greatly differed in their use of their men. The Japanese Army after a decade of war in China had extensive experience. But they had learned virtually nothing from all that experienced. They had none of the tactical skill of the Germans. And much of their weaponry was of very poor quality. This would become apparent with their first real test with the Americans on Guadalcanal--Alligator Creek. Japan had amassed a powerful naval force. Japan devoted a substantial part of its national income to building a powerful navy during the 1920s and 3os. Especially important was the First Air Fleet a carrier force superior and more experienced than the American Pacific Fleet carriers. The Japanese recognized the importance of massed carrier operations and were much more capable of fleet (multiple) carrier operations tkan the U.S. Navy. And unlike the Army, the Imperial Navy achieved a level of competency that was actually superior to any navy in the world. This gave Japan the opportunity of winning a short war with the United States which was not prepared for a war. The War in Europe meant almost all of the British Royal Navy was deployed in European waters. Japan had a technical capability to produce two important weapons, the legendary Mitsubishi A6M Zero and the Long Lance Torpedo. The Japanese leadership had a compliant population and a fiercely devoted, determined military which supported the leadership at all levels without question. There were some competent military leaders, most prominently Adm. Yamamoto and Gen. Yamashita. And they had a powerful Axis ally--NAZI Germany.


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Created: 11:59 PM 9/16/2023
Last updated: 11:59 PM 9/16/2023