Grand Mufti Haj Amin el-Husseini: World War II in Berlin (1941-45)

Figure 1.--The Grand Mufti met with German Führer Adolf Hitler in the Reich Chancellery in Berlin (November 28, 1941). Hitler at the time was convinced that he was on the verge of victory in Russia. Historian Christopher Browning summarizes what Hitler, who would not shake the Mufti's hand or have coffee with him, told the Mufti to 'lock ...deep in his heart' that Germany has resolved, step by step, to ask one European nation after the other to solve its Jewish problem, and at the proper time, direct a similar appeal to non-European nations as well'. When Germany had defeated Russia and broken through the Caucasus into the Middle East, it would have no further imperial goals of its own and would support Arab liberation... But Hitler did have one goal. "Germany’s objective would then be solely the destruction of the Jewish element residing in the Arab sphere under the protection of British power". (Das deutsche Ziel würde dann lediglich die Vernichtung des im arabischen Raum unter der Protektion der britischen Macht lebenden Judentums sein).

When the British and Soviets intervened in Iran, Husseini escaped first to Italy, finally reaching Berlin. He was enthusiastic received by the "Islamische Zentralinstitut" and the small Islamic community of Germany which with due deference to the NAZIs pronounced him the "Führer of the Arabic world." Husseini was received by Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop. He then met with Adolf Hitler (November 28,1941). Hitler at the time was on the verge of victory in Russia. The Germans establish an administrative office or bureau. It was here that the Muftis war time activies were planned and conducted. He assisted the NAZIs in a variety of ways. 1) He made extensive propaganda broadcasts. 2) He organized espionage and fifth column activities in Muslim populated areas of Europe (the Soviet Union and the Balkans) and the Middle East. 3) He lelped form Muslim Waffen SS and Wehrmacht units in Bosnia-Hercegovina, Kosovo-Metohija, Western Macedonia, North Africa, and NAZI-occupied areas of the Soviet Union. 4) He set up schools and training centers for Muslim imams and mullahs who would accompany the Muslim military units. He was especially active in Bosnia and Kosovo-Albania. He spent much of the War in Berlin making anti-British propaganda for the NAZIs. He also supported NAZI efforts to promote Muslim resistance to the Soviets and British. He helped form Muslim military inits in the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia. Defeats in the East creating a need for manpower. The Wehrmacht had formed Muslim units in the Soviet Union. Himmler had an interest in Islam and decided that the SS should also form Muslim units. The assignment was given to Gottlob Berger, head of the SS Main Office in control of recruiting. He met with both Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler and Holocaust organizer Adolf Eichmann. Arab supporters of the NAZIs seemed to have blithy assumed that they would be liberated by the Axis and thus achieve independence. It is difficult to see how any minimally educated observer in 1940-41 could have reached that conclusion, especially given Italian conduct in Libya and German conduct in the Occupied East.

NAZI Contacts

The Grand Mufti is first believed to have made contacts with NAZI agents through the German Press Agency in Jerusalem (1937). The NAZIs had conceived of cultivating Muslim leaders as aay of undermining both Sovier interests in the Caucasus and British interests in the Middle East. Notably both areas offered oil resources, perhaps the absence of which was perhaps the greatest weakness of NAZI Germany. The NAZIs are believed to have provided the Mufit financial and material support in the Arab revolt in Palestine (1936-39). The Mufti helped instigate the pro-NAZI Iraqi coup (1941) and was trying to do the same in Iran when the Soviets and British intervened (1941). The Mufti managed to reach Albania through either Afghamistan or Turkey. Having extensive contacts in many Muslim countries, the Mufti could have obtained help in eother. Albania had been occupied by the Italians. He thus easly traveled to Italy and from there on to the Reich.

Strategic Assessment

After spending two decades resisting the British with nothing to show for it, the NAZIS must have seemed a god-send to the Mufti. Not only were the NAZIs successfully standing up to the British and French (who also had Arab colonies), but they were supressing the Jews. The secret NAZI financial and material support helped to convince the Mufti that Palestine's future lay with the NAZIs. Hitler successes before the War (such as the Anschluss and Munich) and even more his success in the first 2 years of the War must have convinced the Mufti that he had made the right choice. What does not seem to have occurred to the Mufti was wha would have been the future of Palestine in a NAZI-controlled world. The British had tried to make steps toward self-givernment in Palestine, but they were resisted by the Mufti, apparently because of their secular nature. He seems to have just assumed that after the NAZI victory that Palestine and other Arab countries would have been liberated and in control of their natural resources. Certainly he must have asked himself,if the NAZIs would be easier to deal with than the British. But we just do not know if he considered this eventuality. As far ss we can determine, by the 1930s his hatred of the British and Jews were such that any country offering aid was accepted without much consideration of the long-term consequences. Arab supporters of the NAZIs seemed to have blithy assumed that they would be liberated by the Axis and thus achieve independence. It is difficult to see how any minimally educated observer in 1940-41 could have reached that conclusion, especially given Italian conduct in Libya and German conduct in the Occupied East.

Fleeing the British (October 1941)

The Mufti when the Army revolt he helped foment was supressed by the Brutish, fled to neigboring Iran which also was sympsthetic to the NAZIs. The Japanese and Italkians granted him legation asylum. He prioceeded to btry to stir up more trouble as he had done in Iraq. The Soviets and British orchestrate a joint occupation of Iran, in part to guarantee a supply route toi the Soviets for Lemd Lease supplies and secure the oil fields in Iraq and Azeebaijan. The British and Soviets also deposed the Shah and replced him with hus son, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. The new Iranian Government broke diplomatic relations with the Axis countries. The Mufti was forced to flee again (October 18). This time hecheaded for neutral Turkey. This meant moving through Soviet-occupied northwestern Iran, but the border was not yet tightly controlled and the Mufti had religious contacts to assist him.

Italy (October 1941)

Italian diplomats assisted him. They provided him an an Italian service passport. He shaved his beard anbd died his hair as well as adooted Western clothes to ensure tht he woukd not be recognized. From Turkey the Mufti was easily able to reach Italy. All of the Balkans was either Axis members or occupied by the Axis. The vMufti reached without any bmajor problems (October 11). He quickly contacted the Servizio Informazioni Militari (Italian Military Intelligence--SIM) which he had already been dealing with. He claimed to the leader of a clandestine secret Arab nationalist organization with cells in all Arab countries. He offered to aid thge Axis countries if they woulkd recognize in principle the 'unity, independence, and sovereignty, of an Arab state (including Iraq, Syria, Palestine, and Transjordan). Hec also offered support for the Axis Britain. Hec further stated that he was willing to discuss issues including 'the Holy Places, Lebanon, the Suez Canal, and Aqaba'. The hard-pressed Italians were interested in any assistance they could get agaunst the British. The Italian foreign ministry approved al-Husseini's proposal< The recommended that he be supported with a 1 million lire grant. Hec met with dictator Benito Mussolini (October 27). The Mufti's account of the meeting describes it as amicable and tht Mussolini expressed hostility to both the Jews and Zionists. [Lewis, Semites, pp. 150-51.]

Desire for an Agreement with the Axis

The Mufti wanted a formal agreement with the Axis, especilly the Germans. He had fowarded to the Germans a draft treaty (summeer 1940 and February 1941). Included was this clause, "Germany and Italy recognize the right of the Arab countries to solve the question of the Jewish elements, which exist in Palestine and in the other Arab countries, as required by the national and ethnic (völkisch) interests of the Arabs, and as the Jewish question was solved in Germany and Italy." [Lewis, The Jews p. 190.] Encouraged by the Italians, he submitted a draft declaration (November 3). The Italian Foreign Minisyry made some minor chnges and Mussolini approved it and forwarded it to the German Embassy in Rome. Arrangements were made for his travel to Berlin.

Reception in Berlin (November 1941)

The Mufti upon reaching Berlin was enthusiastic received by the "Islamische Zentralinstitut" and the small Islamic community of Germany which with due deference to the NAZIs pronounced him the "Führer of the Arabic world." He discussed the text of his proposed declaration with Ernst von Weizsäcker and other German officials. The Axis powers in the proposed declaration declared their readiness to approve the elimination (Beseitigung) of the Jewish National Home in Palestine. [Lewis, Semites, pp. 150-51.]

Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop

The Mufti was received by Gereman Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop.

Meeting with Hitler (November 1941)

The Grand Mufti met with German Führer Adolf Hitler in the Reich Chancellery in Berlin (November 28, 1941). Hitler at the time was convinced that he was on the verge of victory in Russia. Historian Christopher Browning summarizes what Hitler, who would not shake the Mufti's hand or have coffee with him, told the Mufti to 'lock ...deep in his heart' that Germany has resolved, step by step, to ask one European nation after the other to solve its Jewish problem, and at the proper time, direct a similar appeal to non-European nations as well'. When Germany had defeated Russia and broken through the Caucasus into the Middle East, it would have no further imperial goals of its own and would support Arab liberation... But Hitler did have one goal. "Germany’s objective would then be solely the destruction of the Jewish element residing in the Arab sphere under the protection of British power". (Das deutsche Ziel würde dann lediglich die Vernichtung des im arabischen Raum unter der Protektion der britischen Macht lebenden Judentums sein). In short, Jews were not simply to be driven out of the German sphere but would be hunted down and destroyed even beyond it. How do we know what was said between the two men in this meeting. It is because the Mufti reported the conversation in great detail. [Husseini] Hitler assured him, "... we will reach the southern Caucasus . ... then the hour of the liberation nof the Arabs will have arrived .... The hour will strike when you will be th lord of the supreme word, nd not only the conveyor of our declarations. You will be the man to direct the Arab force and at that moment I cannot imagine what would happen to the Western peoples." [Hitler as quoted by Husseni] This leads to two observations. First with the killing of European Jews now in progress, Hitler was already turning his mind on how to obtain more Jews to feed into the NAZI killing machine. Second, the Mufti seems to have been oblivious as to the NAZI danger to the Arab people, both on racial lines and imperial goals.

Das Arabische Büro: der Grossmufti

The Germans establish an administrative office or bureau for the Mufti--Das Arabische Büro. It was here that the Mufti's war time activies were planned and conducted. He assisted the NAZIs in a variety of ways. 1) He made extensive Axis propaganda broadcasts attcking both Britin nd America. 2) He organized espionage and fifth column activities in Muslim populated areas of Europe (the Soviet Union and the Balkans) and the Middle East. 3) He lelped form Muslim Waffen SS and Wehrmacht units in Bosnia-Hercegovina, Kosovo-Metohija, Western Macedonia, North Africa, and NAZI-occupied areas of the Soviet Union. 4) He set up schools and training centers for Muslim imams and mullahs who would accompany the Muslim military units. 5) He helped organize a special Parachutist and Sabatoge School which trained saboteurs for operatiins behinf allied lines. He worked closely with Himmler, Fritz von Papen (German ambasador to Turkey) and Adm. Walther Cbaris (Abwehr commander).

Propaganda Broacasts

The Mufti spent much of the War in Berlin making anti-British propaganda for the NAZIs. He made extensive broadcasts to Arab countries attacking the British, America, and Jews. Fawzi El Kaukji who worked closely with Husseni also made propaganda broadcasts for the NAZIs.


The Mufti organized espionage and fifth column activities in Muslim populated areas of Europe (the Soviet Union and the Balkans) and the Middle East. Two of the Mufti's agents in Egypt were Anwar Sadat and his cloes friend Gamal Abdel Nasser. [Dalin, Rothmann, and Dershowitz, p. 87.] Both admired both the Mufti and Hitler. [Sadat] Both were posed to act once Rommel broke through British lines at El Alemein. The Mufti's agents passed orders and intelligence across the Turkish-Syrian border. From there thevGerman Embassy in Ankara commuicated with Berlin. The Mufti assisted operations in Sofia to monitor Arab language radio broadcasts. [Carlson]

Muslim Military Formations

Hundreds of thousands of Muslims fought in the War, many on the NAZI side. The Mufti role in the formation of these units varied. The Mufti helped form Muslim Waffen SS and Wehrmacht units in Bosnia-Hercegovina, Kosovo-Metohija, Western Macedonia, North Africa, and NAZI-occupied areas of the Soviet Union. He was especially active in Bosnia and Kosovo-Albania where he had contacts made before the War. Defeats in the East created a need for manpower. The Wehrmacht had formed Muslim units in the Soviet Union. Reichsfuehrer-SS Heinrich Himmler had an interest in Islam and decided that the SS should also form Muslim units. The assignment was given to Gottlob Berger, head of the SS Main Office in control of recruiting. Himmler made the Mufti a part of the SS apparatus and give an office in the SS main office (May 1943). From here he was deeply involved in recruiting Muslims for SS units and operations. The Grand Mufti assisted in the formation of Muslim formations in both the Waffen SS and Wehrmacht. The SS recruited Muslims extensively in the Balkans and here thre Mufti was especially involved. There were two Bosnian Muslim Waffen SS Divisions, an Albanian Waffen SS Division (in Kosovo-Metohija and Western Macedonia), the 21st Waffen Gebirgs Division der SS ìSkanderbegî, a Muslim SS self-defense regiment (in the Rashka--Sandzak region of Serbia. Many other units were formed, especially in the Soviet Union. Other Muslim units fighting with the NAZIs included: the Arab Legion (Arabisches Freiheitskorps), the Arab Brigade, the Ostmusselmanische SS-Regiment, the Ostturkischen Waffen Verband der SS made up of Turkistanis, the Waffengruppe der-SS Krim, formations consisting of Chechen Muslims from Chechnya,Ý and a Tatar Regiment der-SS made up of Crimean Tatars, and other Muslim formations in the Waffen SS and Wehrmacht, in Bosnia-Hercegovina, the Balkans, North Africa, and Nazi-occupied areas of the Soviet Union. The Mufti's involvement in the formation of these units varied.

Islamic Schools

The Mufti set up schools and training centers for Muslim imams and mullahs who would accompany the Muslim military units

The Holocaust

The NAZIs had an ally in the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. He aplauded Hitler's seizure of power in Germany (1933). He was enthusiastic received by the "Islamische Zentralinstitut" and the small Islamic community of Germany which due deference to the NAZIs pronounced him the "Führer of the Arabic world." Husseini's first speech in Berlin denounced the Jews as the "most fierce enemies of the Muslims" and an "ever corruptive element" in the world. Husseini was an honored guest of the NAZI's in Berlin. He met with both Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler and Holocaust organizer Adolf Eichmann. Husseini is reported to have visited Auschwitz and encouraged the SS staff operating the gas chambers to work harder. He wrote to officials in Bulgaria, Hungary, and Romania, urging them to speed deporttions of Jews to Poland. [Carlson] The reason if course is that it was here the deat cmps were located. He complained to Foreign Minister Ribbebtrop that not all Jews were being killed. [Carlson] He torpedoed efforts to save somevHungsriannJewishbchildren that the JewishbAgency in Palestine was arranging. [Carlson] Husseini was exploited by Goebbels' propaganda machine and made numerous broadcasts in Arabic to the Middle East promoting the NAZIs and giving virulently anti-Semitic sermons. Another largely ignored question is the fact that the Arabs are also semmites. NAZI racist science claimed that the Jews had genitically carried diseases. One wonders why the Arabs did not carry these diseases. Of course the NAZI racist science was a pseudo science so they could invent an Arab people free of such contamination. Husseini was an honored guest of the NAZI's in Berlin. He was received by Hitler twice. He pressed Hitler on the last group of Jews left in NAZI hands--the Hungarian Jews. He did not want them to be allowed to escape, fearing they would come to Palestine. Adolf Eichman at the time was attempting to negotiate with the British to exchange 5,000 Hungarian children for German POWs. Husseini's point of view prevalied. The SS were dispatched the children to the NAZI death camps in Poland. Husseini is reported to have visited Auschwitz and encouraged the SS staff operating the gas chambers to work harder. Husseini was exploited by Goebbels' propaganda machine and made numerous broadcasts in Arabic to the Middle East promoting the NAZIs and giving virulently anti-Semitic sermons.

Refuge in Egypt (1945)

After the War he eluded the Allies and was given refuge in Egypt (1945). There he strongly influenced men like Yasser Arafat, Gamel Abdul Nassar, and Anwar Sadat.


Browning, Christopher. The Origins of the Final Solution: The Evolution of Nazi Jewish Policy, September 1939-March 1942 (University of Nebraska Press: 2007).

Carlson, John Roy. Cairo to Damascus (Read Books Ltd: 2013), 518p.

Dalin, David G., John F. Rothmann, and Alan M. Dershowitz. Icon of Evil: Hitler's Mufti and the Rise of Radical Islam (Transaction Publishers: 2009), 227p.

Husseini, Haj Amin el-. Personl diary. Discovered in Berlin after the War.

Lewis, Bernard. The Jews of Islam(Greenwood Publishing Group: 1984/2002)

Lewis, Bernard. Semites and Anti-Semites: An Inquiry into Conflict and Prejudice (W.W. Norton & Company, 1999).

Sadat, Anwar. Search of Identity


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Created: 3:22 AM 5/20/2007
Last updated: 3:51 AM 11/8/2015