World War II Poland: Catholic Church

NAZI occupation of Poland Catholic Church
Figure 1.-- The Catholic Church has since the conversions of the Slavs been a major force in Polish nationalism. With the destruction of the Polish state during the Polish Partitinons (1772-95), the Church became the primary Polish national institution. This again became the case during the NAZI occupation. The NAZIs arrested many priests and many died in the camps. The NAZIs did not, however, move as forcefully against the Church as the Soviets did in their occupation zone. This was undoubtedly because many Germans were Catholic. including the Wehrmacht soldiers.

The Catholic Church has since the conversions of the Slavs been a major force in Polish nationalism. With the destruction of the Polish state during the Polish Partitinons (1772-95), the Church became the primary Polish national institution. This again became the case during the NAZI occupation (1939-44) and Soviet occupation (1939-41). It also became virtualy the only national institution that effectively resisted the Communists after the War. The Church had a anti-Semitic streak, but notably Poles did not play a major role in the Holocaust, unlike several other European countries. The Church past of anti-Semtism surelyw a factor in the lack of sympathy many Poles showed toward the Jews. There were Baltic and Ukranian guards at the concentration camps, but not Polish guards. Clerics throughout the country to vary degrees hid Jews. There was greater cooperation with the resistance. And indefinance of NAZI regulations, the Church operated a secret seminary. (Pope John-Paul II was one of the seminarians.) As a result, the NAZIs arrested many priests and many died in the camps. The NAZIs did not, however, move as forcefully against the Church as the Soviets did in their occupation zone. This was undoubtedly because many Germans were Catholic. including the Wehrmacht soldiers.


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Created: 8:00 PM 2/19/2008
Last updated: 8:00 PM 2/19/2008