French Holocaust Personal Accounts: Charles and Helene Karo (1939- )

Figure 1.--Here Charles as part of the Busy Buddies trip is in New York with his orphanage friend Irene Guttman, aother Holovaust survivor. The children hd never seen skyscrapers before. Charles is counting the stories. Irene said she could not wait all night.

We are not sure where Charles was born. He was the son of Moszeck (Maurice) Karo and Dwoyra (Dota) Karo. They were Polish Jewish refugees in France During World war II. Charles had a sister Helene, a year younger who also survived the Holocaust. She was born in Paris days before the French surender to the Germans. we do not yet have the details of their survival. Apparently their parents managed to find people to hide their children before they were rounded up by the French police or Germans. Their father was murdered. Their mother was starved to death. The children managed to survive. We see Charles in New York after the war. He was brought to New York with another Holocaust survivor by Busy Buddies--an American charity supportng French orphanages which were careing for Holocaust and other war orphans. The children assisted in a fund raising drive.


"Orphans clothes: They get gift from friends here and help for ther frunds avroad," Life (November 17, 1947).

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Created: 5:13 AM 4/12/2016
Last updated: 5:14 AM 4/12/2016