Auschwitz and Neuengamme : NAZI Medical Experiments on Children

Figure 1.--Here Allied personnel vaccinate an 11-year-old survivor from the concentration camp who had been the victim of medical experiments at Auschwitz. The Photograph was taken at the IDP camp in Bergen-Belsen (May 1946). We have bennunable to find out who this girl was and any mote infirmation about her.

The most notorious of the NAZI medical experiments were conducted on children at Auschwitz and Neuengamme. The Auchwitz experiments were conduted by SS-Hauptsturmführer Josef Mengele, who had M.D. abnd Ph.D. qualifications. He was researching topics associated with twins and the physiology and pathology of dwarfism. He was working with the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Anthropology, Genetics, and Eugenics in Berlin-Dahlem. The involvement of German drug cimpanies and respected research iunstitutes is often overlooked in the historical recird. Mengele had free rein on the olatforms were the trandports arrived. He could selrct whoever he wanted. He was especially interested in people with different colored irises (heterochromia iridii). This was presumably related to the NAZI idolation of blue eyes. Mengele began by selecting pairs of modtly Jewish twins. Nengele also wanred people with inherited anomalies, including many children. Twins were carefully selected because they provuded a genetically identically conttrol. The children were subjected to terrible trauma involving absurd racial theories. As a SS doctor, Mengele oversaw the selections when the transports arrived at Auschwitz. It was here he found his child medical victims. He also left orders when twins arrived that they be sent to him. The children were housed in a separate baracks where life was relatively normal until the experiments began. hey were inspected by Dr. Mengele every morning. They attend classes and sometimes allowed to play games like. Most had no fear of Dr. Mengele. He often gave them candy and showed a degree of affectuin like patting them on the head and talked to them. e was even known to play with them. The twins children were given work assignments, but noting like the back braking toil of the adults. They had jobs like being a messenger. The twins were treated far better than the other prisoners of the camp. This was of course before they were brought to the nedical facilities for Mengele's experiments. They were subjected to all imaginable horific specialist medical examinations. They were also photographed, plaster casts were made of their jaws and teeth, and they were toe and fingerprinted. After Mengele had finished his experiments leaving with children in terrible condition and mangeled bodies, they were killed with lethal injections of phenol to the heart. Thsan the final step was taken, autopsies and the comparative analysis of their internal organs. A HBC reader has provided some information on two French children apprehended by the NAZIs--Georges Andre Kohn and Jacqueline Morganstern.

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Created: 11:53 PM 9/8/2018
Last updated: 11:53 PM 9/8/2018