Belgian Woman's Magazine: Children's Coats, 1952

Figure 1.--"Vrouw en Huis" offered patterns for boys and girls winter coats in 1952. Notice the more pronounced waistline on the girl's coat.


The Belgian magazine Vrouw en Huis ("Woman and Home") was an important source of fashion information for Belgian and Dutch mothers. We have some issues from the early 1950s. It was a weekly magazine and as it was in Dutch for Flemish readers, was also sold in the Netherlands. I'm not sure how popular it was among French readers.


Vrouw en Huis offered pattern 7376 for a boy's coat. It was for a 8-9 year old boy. The illustration shows both a boy's and girl's coat. The boy wears his coat with a beret and presumably a short pants suit as it is a dressy coat, although it is hard to tell as he seems to have a scarfe on. Also as he carries a briefcase, he could be wearing a school smock underneath. The boy's and girl's coat (pattern 7366) are styled very differently. The boy's coat is vert plain with two front pockets. There is no waist at all and no belt. The girl's coat has velvet trim and a pronounced waist. Younger children might wear coats with more similar styling. Notice that the boy wears a beret, headwear that had gone out of fashion in neighboring France. The girl wars a very different cap, one which matches her dress. Both children wear gloves. The gorl weas white gloves and the boy dark gloves. Both children also wear kneesocks. The girl wears plain white kneesocks and the boy dark ribbed kneesocks. The girl wears loafers. I'm not sure what type of shoes the boy is shown as wearing in the illustration.

Christopher Wagner

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Created: January 5, 2002
Last updated: January 5, 2002