Belgian Woman's Magazine: Short Pants Suit, 1952

Figure 1.--"Vrouw en Huis" in 1952 offered this short pants suit with a bold pattern. Note the accentuated waist.


The Belgian magazine Vrouw en Huis ("Woman and Home") was an important source of fashion information for Belgian and Dutch mothers. We have some issues from the early 1950s. It was a weekly magazine and as it was in Dutch for Flemish readers, was also sold in the Netherlands. I'm not sure how popular it was among French readers.


Vrouw en Huis offered pattern 7368 for a wool suit to be worn by a 11-12 year old boy. The suit was show in a bold brown pattern. It had a belted jacket, suggesting Norfolk styling. It has what looks like two large patch pockets. The shorts were cut well above the knee. It was shown worn with light-colored patteerned kneesocks and loafers. Notice the boy holding a Bible indicating the suit was suitable for Church or Sunday school.

Christopher Wagner

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Created: January 5, 2002
Last updated: January 5, 2002