Eaton Girls' Women's and Girls' Hosiery (Canada, 1907)

Figure 1.--Catalogs often combined boys' and girls' hosiery in a childrn's section. Eaton's had separate gender sections. One for men and boys and the others for girls and women. The girls and women section was much more extensive than that for themen and boys.

Eaton's had a separate page for women's and girls' hosiery. Black long stockings were also widely worn by girls, but there were many more offerings including white and colored hose. This page also included the infants' hosiery. We are not sure yet about the age equivalents of the sizes indicated. We are not sure how common in Canada it was to separatecchildren' hosiery by gender. American catalogs generally offered children's hosiery on the same page, although some of the offerings might be specificall for boys or girls. A reader tells us, "I think it is interesting that boys' long stockings are shown on the same page as men's socks, whereas the girls' long stockings are grouped with women's hosiery. No gender overlapping in this catalog for children's long stockings. I think this is a bit unusual. I don't think Sears and Wards in the USA did this, although there are specific styles of long stockings that are designed particularly for girls (especailly in the 1940s). But most of the long stockings in the 1900s, 1910s, and 1920s are for both boys and girls. Of course some grades of stockings (especially made for boys) stressed the reinforced knees. Boys were supposedly harder on stockings than girls because of their play habits."


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Created: 2:56 AM 3/17/2008
Last updated: 2:57 AM 3/17/2008