Canadian Mail Order Catalogs and Advertisements with Boys Clothings: 1920

Figure 1.--A T. Eaton offered these sweaters in its Fall-Winter 1920-21 catalog. Note how popular brown was. Also note the roll collars.catalog page offers

We have some information from the Eaton's catalog. Consumers and companies were getting back to normal after World War I (1914-18). We are not yet sure just how the War affected Canadian fashions. Sweaters were a prenial favorite. Sweaters of course were important in countries like Canada situated in norther latitudes. We have an interesting color page from the Eaton's catalog with several winter sweaters that shows what colors were used. Boys still commonly wore suits in 1920. Knicker suits were very popular. We note several different styles. We note a range of junior suits with knee pants for younger boys. For some reason knee pants persisted for yonger boys. We see the same trend for younger boys in America. Most boys wore knickers, commonly with long stockings. And as a result, Eaton's also offered the necessary stocking supporters also offered.


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Created: 8:06 AM 6/26/2008
Last updated: 8:06 AM 6/26/2008