English Mail Order Catalogs and Clothing Advertisements with Boys Clothing: The 1940s

Figure 1.--.

We have found some 1940s catalog pages and adverisements which seem to be from the 1940s, but the year is not indicated. So the items re useful in understanding the 940s even if the precise year is not known. We always hope to eventually be able to identify the year, but even so, knowing that they date to the 40s is useful.


Juvenile Outfits

We notice a sun suit outfit from the Ladyship Lilliput Leaflet for younger boys, sun or play drawers for children 1 1/2 - 7 year olds. We would classify the outfut as a sun suit for summer play. Boys would have worn them for beach outings, but also for summer olay in general. Thwt were knitted garments done in three sizes, 1 1/2-3, 3-5, and 5-7 years of age. The model is the youngr size done with suspenders in the same knitted naterial as the pants. e are not sure if the suspebders were just for the younger size. The price was 3d.







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Created: 3:51 AM 10/13/2017
Last updated: 3:51 AM 10/13/2017