French Mail Order Catalogs and Clothing Advertisements with Boys Clothings: The 1920s

Figure 1.--Here we see a Norfolk suit and sailor suit offered for boys by the Louvre department store in Paris. The Norfolk suit was offered for boys 7-16 years of age. The sailor suit was for boys 2-13 years of age. Notice that kneepants are still beong worn.

French mail order catalogs offer a very useful time line on changing fashion trends. French mail order catalogs show a major shift in French boys' clothing in the 1920s. Major fashion changes not uncommonly follow wars and other important upheavals. We note a wide range of suits for juvenile boys and older boys offered by the Louvre department store in Paris. We also notice different detachable colors. This appears to have been the case duting the 1920s. Kneepants soon disappeared and were replaced with short pants. Older boys might wear knickers. Some new styles of smocks appeared. Detachable collars were still worn.


A sailor-styled tunic suit was in a 1920 issue of La Mode Illustre. It was wiorn with knee pants. Unfortunately we do not have the accompanying ad copy detailing the material, age sizes, and other information. The boy is pictured wearing leggings (gaithers), suggesting the garment was for younger boys.



We note a pair of colored suspendered short pants ( culotte courte à bretelles ) offered in La Mode Illustrée (March 1922). It was an outfit with a coordinated white blouse that had a large collar. Both the blouse and shorts had chevron detailing. Strngely the suspenders are not attached by buttons bit appear to part of the shorts. If I understand the text correctly, the outfot was available at Boutique Au Fil. The accompanied illustration suggestrs that it was for a pre-school boy or a boy in the first primary years.



We note a wide range of suits for juvenile boys and older boys offered by the Louvre department store in Paris. We also notice different detachable colors. Kneepants were still being worn. Advertisments showed a variety of new smock styles. There were many distinctive styles for girls. Some smocks were worn by boys and girls. Shirts were still made with detachable collars.



We note a 1926 issue of La Mode pratique. The September 1926 issue shown here has a fashionably dressed other with her two children. The boy wears what looks like a double-breasted sportsjacket with short pants. Because it looks chilly he has a warm scarfe and leggings to keep warm. He is carrying books, suggesting that mom has picked him up after school to go shopping.





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Created: January 6, 2002
Last updated: 12:03 AM 7/21/2011