French 1935 Mail Order Catalogs with Boys Clothings: Réaumur School Coats

Figure 1.--Mail order clothing catalogs provide useful information about clothing trends in different countrues over time. These school fasdhions were in a 1935-36 wunter catalog.

Here is the translation another page of the Réaumur winter 1935-1936 catalog. 12.35905 :. 1 to 10 years old. 12.35925 : Pea jacket, double -breasted, 2 buttons, collar lapel. Made in woolen fancy cloth or navy blue ratine. 1 to 10 years old. Unfortunatley the image is not suffiently clear to read the original French language text of the catalog as copy.



Costume Norfolk



Christopher Wagner

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Created: August 28, 2001
Last updated: August 28, 2001