French 1935 Mail Order Catalogs with Boys Clothings: Corset Porte-culotte

Figure 1.--French children might wear a " porte-culotte ". It was an underwear shirt similar to the underwaist worn by American children. It had buttons on which I think underwear buttoned. I'm not sure about pants. We note this garment advertised in 1935, I think by Gallerias Lafayette. It was called a " corset porte-culotte. They were made for younger children from 6 months to 7 years.

French children might wear a " porte-culotte ". It was an underwear shirt similar to the underwaist worn by American children. It had buttons on which I think underwear buttoned. I'm not sure about pants. We note this garment advertised in 1935, I think by Gallerias Lafayette. It was called a " corset porte-culotte. They were made for younger children from 6 months to 7 years. They were made in white and pink. Girls wore both white and pink, but boys only wore white. French children did not commonly wear long stockings so the porte-culotte was not for holding upstockings. This garment continued to be wirn by very young children into the 1950s.


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Created: 11:11 PM 7/25/2007
Last updated: 11:11 PM 7/25/2007