French Baby/Toddler Outfits (1937)

Figure 1.--Here are some of the baby and toddler items offered by Gallerias Lafayette in its March 1937 catalog. This is page 2..

We notice a rangecof items for babbies such as blankets, bibs, and booties. There were also a range of oyrfits for toddlers. These includes romper and short pants suits, dresses, coats and other garments. Tey would be for children from infancy to about 3 years of age. All of the major department stores had a range of baby-toddler clothing. Many of these items will seem rather formal to the modern reader, but in fact were much more comfortable and less restricting, if a little fancy, than the garments commonly worn before World War I.

Galeries Lafayette Catalog (March 1937)

Galeries Lafayette offered a range of different outfits for infants and toddlers. The section was labeled, "Pour les tout Petits"--For your little ones. We see boys' items done in pink. Modern color conventions were not yet prevalent and were commonly used for younger children. While boys could wear pink garments, the rest of the items couldn't be pink such their carriage, blanket, bed, ect. Mothers were proud to match their baby/todler garments with the blanket and pillow. One could even seen the child's initials on their accessories.


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Created: 1:48 AM 2/1/2008
Last updated: 1:48 AM 2/1/2008