Advertisements with Boys Clothings: Louvre Outfits for Younger Children, 1939

Figure 1.--The Louvre offered fancy outfits of shorts and blouses are offered for boys 2-6 years of age. Other shorts for older boys were available in sizes up to 16 years.

The Louvre department store in Paris offered dressy blouse and shorts outfits for little boys in sizes from 2-6 years.

Costumes pour petit garçcons

The Lovre adverised, "Affaire exceptionnelle. En lot très intéressant de COSTUMES pour petits garçons, formes diverses en toile unie ou fantaise, pour 2-4 et 6 ans .. Fr15.90." This would mean "Exceptional value. A very interesting lot of COSTUMES for little boys, the various styles in plain fabric or fantaise, for 2-4 and 6 years. Fr15.90."


The Louvre offers blouses for 4-5 year olds. The ad copy reads, "Quantité limitée CHEMISETTES en belle toile de lin, nuance naturelle pour 4 et 5 ans .. Fr 9.95." This means, "Quantity limited BLOUSES/SHORT-SLEEVED SHIRTS in beautiful fabric of flax, [moderates? natural for 4 and 5 years. Fr 9.95."

Christopher Wagner

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Created: October 25, 2001
Last updated: October 25, 2001