* French catalogs and clothing advertisments with rompers--1939 barboteuse

French Mail Order Catalogs with Boys Clothings: 1939 Outfits for Younger Boys

Figure 1.--The illustration appears to show rompers (barboteuse) for young boys and smocks for girls and boys. I am not sure about just what ages they were for, but the sizes in centimeters were specified. The smocks were made in larger sizers than the rompers.

HBC is not sure of the catalog company offered these clothes, but it is reportedly a large, well known Parisian department store. At the top of the page it reads "Au bon marche, Paris". And to the right it reads "Pour Pour l'âge heureux". This unknown company in 1939 offered several outfits for boys. One was a button on shorts set and the other romper suits. The entire page is picture on the main 1930s catalog page. I can't describe the outfits in great detail, as I can't read the full text in the scan, but can make out a few details. Hopefully we can acquire the full text. The page interestingly suggests that the romper (barboteuse) outfit was for very young boys, but some older boys wore it for beachwear.

Shorts Set

This is top item number 1 in figure 1. It reads, "Costume for garçonet ..." Unfortunately I can/t read the rest of the ad copy, but it is for a boy 1-3 years old and the price is 75F. The outfit has a button-on plaid looking blouse with blue short pamts. The afe range is the same as that for the dressy romper suit, item 6.

Romper Outfits

Several romper outfits are available for boys only, although I can't read the ad copy.

Top Item 3--Barboteuse

This outfit is called a barboteuse or romper outfit. This is a very simple romper outfit with a small bipfromt without substantial straps but a simple tie around the neck. It is clearly designed for beachwear. I can't read the ad copoy, except that it is available in three sizes: 2 years, 3-6 years, 7-10 years. These seems like rather a juvenile garment for a boy of 10 to wear.

Top Item 6--Barboteuse

This is a dressier romper suit. I can't read the ad copy except that it is for a boy 1-3 years of age. Note the scallped collar, puff sleeves, and self-belt. The suit pictured is blue, I'm not sure if it came in other colors.

Figure 2.--The illustration appears to show rompers (barboteuse) for young boys and smocks for girls and boys. I am not sure about just what ages they were for, but the sizes in centimeters were specified. The smocks were made in larger sizers than the rompers.

Bottom Item 5--Barboteuse

The final item for boys on this page is item 5 at the bottom. It is a bib-front romper sunsuit. The Cm 45 size costs 19.50Fr. I can't read the rest of the text, but it appears to be available in sizes up to 6 years. Note that unlike the dressier romper suit above that there is not belt or waist device.


Our French reader has provided us this sizing information to better understand the ad copy. They sizes given corresponding to the lengh of the garment. A 40 cm garment would be for a 12-18 month child. The size 55 cm garments would be for a boy about 5-6 years. Boys that age would averahe about 1.0o-1.05 m at that time. This garment could be worn at the beach or atound the house or a trip to the park during the summer.


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Created: October 7, 2001
Last updated: October 8, 2001