Advertisements with Boys Clothings: Gallerias Lafayette Underwear for Younger Children, 1939

Figure 1.--A French reader tells us about some underwear for younger children. He forwarded us a Gallerias Lafayette advertisement for bonneterie. I think that means underwear. He tells us, "The Gallerias Lafayette 1939 underwear advertisement here has styles that were commonly worn in both urban and rural areas. Older styles tended to persist in urban areas after they had disappeared among city children. The garment in second position was rather for country boys. The garment at the top and third place below were worn by the majority of city boys. The two extremes are girl garments."

A French reader tells us about some underwear for younger children. He forwarded us a Gallerias Lafayette advertisement for bonneterie. I think that means underwear. He tells us, "The Gallerias Lafayette 1939 underwear advertisement here has styles that were commonly worn in both urban and rural areas. Older styles tended to persist in urban areas after they had disappeared among city children. The garment in second position was rather for country boys. The garment at the top and third place below were worn by the majority of city boys. The two extremes are girl garments."


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Created: 12:06 AM 7/26/2007
Last updated: 12:07 AM 7/26/2007