Modes et travaux in its October 1941 issue offered patterns for several outfits and coats for younger boys and girls. The age for each garment is not specified, but they appear to be for children 4-6 years of age.
Modes et travaux was perhaps the most important French sewing magazine in the 1940s. During the German occupation after 1941, clothing became increasingly difficult to obtain. Thus sewing your own or your family's clothing became increasingly important. The title reads, "de jolis ensembles pour nos petits". That would translate as "fun outfits for our little ones". The author then goes on to describe nine different garments or outfits. The fancy outfit for a little boy described here is one of those outfits. The inference is that the coats shown would have been worn with the coats on cold days.
Modes et travaux in its October 1941 issue offered pattern for two styles of outfits for little boys. One was the fancy button-on outfit seen here. The other was a romper suit. There was also a coat. There were also several dresses and coats for little girls.
The ad copy for the fancy outfit shown here reads, "71: Ce petit garçon porte un costume de velours bleu, la culotte se boutonne sur la blouse, ouverte sur une guimpe de toile de soie. Mét. pour 4 ans: 1 m. en 0 m. 80." That would translate as "This little boy wears a blue velvet outfit, the short pants button onto the jacket which is open (at the collar) so a silk blouse can be seen. Measurements: for 4 years: 1 meter in 0 meter 80."
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