French Mail Order Catalogs with Boys Clothing: 1968

Figure 1.--This smock was advertised for boys and girls 2-10 years of age in the 1968 Galeries Lafayette catalog. I do not have the ad copy so am not sure what the color choices were. Notice the white collar.

French mail order catalogs and clothing advertisements offer a very useful time line on changing fashion trends. HBC notes that school smocks were declining in popularity and were being worn by increasingly younger boys. We also notice coats for younger boys that were worn with peaked caps.

Little Boy Outfits

We note styles of coats with peaked caps for younger boys.

Galeries Lafayette: coat

Galeries Lafayette offered a coat for younger boys in sizes 1-6. It was worn with a peaked cap.


Smocks by the late 1960s were declining in popularity. They were, however, still being offered for both boys and girls.

Galeries Lafayette: school smock

Galeries Lafayette offered the bacj-buttoning school smock seen here. The one in the illustration is pinl, but presumably they came in several different color. We do not have the ad copy, however, so we do not know what colors it was offered. Our French contributor tells us that the catalog indicated that this same style was suitable for boys and girls to age 10. Few French boys age 10, however, were wearing this stule of back-buttoning smock in 1968. Notice the white collar. The boy here is pictured in a red ginham pattern (figure 1).





Sailor Suits


Paris School Riots

The Paris School Riots occurred in 1968. The disturbances were a major youth rebellion. Eventually the riots and aftermath would cause a change in government. The riots were also a major culturl event that would affect fashion and clothing.


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Created: August 12, 2003
Last updated: August 12, 2003