French Mail Order Catalogs and Clothing Advertisements with Boys Clothings: The 1970s

Figure 1.--This 1975 Redoute catalog offered khaki jackets which were worn with colorful turtle neck shirts. The pants appear to be broen corduroy flares. Notice the popular longer hair styles.

French mail order catalogs offer a very useful time line on changing fashion trends. Classic coats or the manteau baby for younger children that were once worn by boys up to age 8 or even 10 were by the 1970s only worn by pre-school boys up to about age 4-5 years. After the 1970s French fashions for boys began copying U.S. styles for "T"-shorts, Bermuda shorts, and sneakers. Shorts except for casual wear went out of fashion for older boys. Sunday clothes for younger boys also changed. Dressy short pants with creases and suspenders went out of fashion. Boys except for the very youngest stopped wearing smocks.


Classic coats or the manteau baby for younger children that were once worn by boys up to age 8 or even 10 were by the 1970s only worn by pre-school boys up to about age 4-5 years.


The catalogs from Les 3 Suisses and La Redoute for 1971 offered blazers and long and short pants. The blazers were available in single and double breasted styles. The pants were available in a varierty of styles, colors, sizes, and material.





The Redoute catalog offered a range of brightly colored children's clothes. Bibfront shorts and long pants were popular for younger boys. We note a red Eton like jacket and short pants of varying length. There were khaki jackets which were worn with colorful turtle neck shirts. The pants appear to be broen corduroy flares.






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Created: November 20, 2001
Last updated: September 25, 2003