French Mail Order Catalogs with Boys Clothing: 2002

Figure 1.--

French mail order catalogs and clothing advertisements offer a very useful time line on changing fashion trends. One of the most important French online clothing catalogs is Cyrillus. We note that through 2002 that Cyrillus offered "H-bar" suspender shorts. One catalog offered specialized styles of socks for both boys and girls. Most were ankle socks, but there were some kneesocks as well.










One of the most important French online clothing catalogs is Cyrillus. We note that through 2002 that Cyrillus offered "H-bar" suspender shorts. One catalog offered specialized styles of socks for both boys and girls. Most were ankle socks, but there were some kneesocks as well.


One catalog offered specialized styles of socks for both boys and girls. Most were ankle socks, but there were some kneesocks as well.

Unknown catalog socks

One catalog offered specialized styles of socks for both boys and girls. Most were ankle socks, but there were some kneesocks as well.


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Created: December 28, 2003
Last updated: December 28, 2003