*** German mail order catalogs with boys clothes -- Kinder Korselett 1940

German Mail Order Catalogs/Patterns: Short Pants Outfits, 1949

Figure 1.--We notice an offering for boys outfits along wuth parterns in a German publication during 1949. We are not sure what kind of pubication, but it was clearly aimed at women. It had many pages, the illistration was on what we thoughtbwas page 80, but the 80 seems to be an item number. We suspect that the entire publication was not composed of pages like this, but this was included as a kind of bonus for mothers with children.

We have not yet found catalogs from thec 1940s. We have found some patterns. We notice some Golden Schnitt books which included a few outfits for children. A 1949 book had patterns for two sets of outfits for boys. Most of the outfits were for adults, primarily for women. There was just one pattern for each garment. Thev Lutterloh company had a system for using the basic pattern to create the specific size needed. The Golden Svnitt books had many pages, the illistration was on what we thoughtbwas page 80, but the 80 seems to be an item number. The entire book was composed of pages like this. The two outfits for younger and older boys.

Younger Boys

The pattern for younger boys consisting of a small jacket and short pants. The pattern is the same, but can be done in several ways and can be worn with various blouses/shirts giving vasried works. One assessment reads "A jacket, a shirt, and a pair of shorts are all the pieces of this outfit suite for young boys. This set would be ideal for summer or a warmer spring day where shorts would be appropriate. What makes this whole set unique is that these pattern pieces are so simple that with little additions and variations there would be an infinite amount of possibilities here for dressing your young boy. I would recommend a fine cotton or linen for the shirt and for the shorts and jacket, a fine wool, linen, etc. The options are up to you and your needs." The pattern pieces for the blouse run along the top of the card with the front that has pleats, a back, and a Peter Pan collar. The sleeve is towards the bottom edge there above the line and under the shorts pattern which has two pieces. The shorts close at the sides if you looks closely at the pattern although you could add a front fly if you wanted. The jacket is a bolero type shiort cut-away jacket with a front, back and a two piece sleeve. We do not see any size data, but the models in the illusrations suggest primary school age boys. Done in velvet with a frilly blouse we have a Fauntleroy look. With a more standard blouse or shirt we have a more nature look.

Older Boys

The oufits for older school-age boys. We see belted jackets done in different styles, short pants, and worn with patterned knee socks. A style suitable for schoolwear. The ad copy read, "Die vorbildliche Form des Schulangs. Gedeckte Farben, einfarbig gestreift, kariert oder kleingemustert, auch einmal mit andersfarbiger Passe aus Stoff oder Leder." This translates as -- The exemplary form of school jackets. The jackets were done in Muted colors, plain stripes, checks or small patterns, sometimes with a different colored yoke made of fabric or leather.


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Created: 5:26 PM 11/26/2023
Last updated: 2:58 AM 11/30/2023