German Mail Order Catalogs: Der Goldene Schnitt catalog--Classic Overcoats

Figure 1.-- We also notice traditional sailor outfits for boys and girls in Der Goldene Schnitt catalog. On the same page are formal overcoats for boys and girls styled similarly.

Der Golden Schnitt appears to be a German mail order company, but other than a few pages from one of their catalogs, we have been able to find nothing about them. The name comes from a classic mathmatical principle known as the Golden Ratio first noticed by classical scholars. German boys wore a variety of coats. Germany is set in the niddle of Europe and commonly ecxprunces very cold winters. We notice formal overcoats offered for boys and girls in the Der Goldene Schnitt catalog, we think in the 1950s. The illistrations use different headwear, a rounded-crown hat for the girl and beret for the boy. Some German mothers saw the betry, more associated wuth French boys, as stylish. Unlike the United states, it was mostly seen as boys' headwear. The styling of the overcoats is very similar. Of course they button on different sides, but the basic styling is essentially identical. The only important differemne is the collar. The boy's overcoat has a standard rounded collar done in the same material as the coat. The girl has a white collar with a border design. We are not sure if it part of the coat or the collar of a blouse she is wearing underneath.

Goldene Schnitt

Der Golden Schnitt appears to be a German mail order company, but other than a few pages from one of their catalogs, we have been able to find nothing about them. The name comes from a classic mathmatical principle known as the Golden Ratio first noticed by classical scholars. We are not sure why this was name was chosen, excep as it may give the impression of classic styles and high quality. One page provides two classic styles for one boys, the peasant blouse or tunic and the gir;'s peaant dress or Durndl. The lages are not dates. The styles are more in keeping with the 1930s, although the pages have more the look of the 1950s. We donnot see boys wearing these tunics in the 1950s, but we do see girls weating these Dirndls. This was of course because it was a classic style and in fact are still worn today. For some reason prices and sizes are not indicated which is unusual for a mail order catalog. Hopefully our German readers can provide some insights here.


German boys wore a variety of coats. Germany is set in the niddle of Europe and commonly ecxprunces very cold winters. We notice formal overcoats offered for boys and girls in the Der Goldene Schnitt catalog, we think in the 1950s. The illistrations use different headwear, a rounded-crown hat for the girl and beret for the boy. Some German mothers saw the beret, more associated with French boys, as rather stylish. Unlike the United states, it was mostly seen as boys' headwear. The styling of the overcoats is very similar. Of course they button on different sides, but the basic styling is essentially identical. The only important differemne is the collar. The boy's overcoat has a standard rounded collar done in the same material as the coat. The girl has a white collar with a border design. We are not sure if it part of the coat or the collar of a blouse she is wearing underneath. The ad copy read, "117/117. Auch das berühmte Hamburger Mäntelchen ist für Bub Mädel gleich praktisch und beliebt. Die Original Hanburger Form zeight über dem Stoffkeagen noch ein weißes, abnehmbares Krägelchen." That translates something like, "The famous Hamburger coat is for both boys and girls practical and popular. The original form Hanburger zeight over the Stoffkeagen still a white, removable Krägelchen (collar?).


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Created: 11:40 PM 8/14/2012
Last updated: 6:31 PM 2/24/2014