German Mail Order Catalogs: Children's Footwear, 1965

Figure 1.-- Otto Versand in 1965 offered a range of children's clothes. There are shoes for both boys and girls. There were two-toned shoes for boys, but none in the classic saddle style.

Otto Versand in 1965 offered a range of children's clothes. There are shoes for both boys and girls. There were two-toned shoes for boys, but none in the classic saddle style. I think saddle shoes were mostly an American style.

Otto Versand House

The company advertizing these sweaters is the Otto-versandhaus. We do not know just when the company was established or by who. We do not know of an actual store. This may b a purely catalog company. The company is apparently still in business and we note a website just for Otto. We had thought that Otto was a first name, but it may wll be the founder's last name. The Otto website includes this refereced a Micharl Otto, "Die Michael-Otto-Stiftung für Umweltschutz verfolgt als Ziel den Schutz und den Erhalt der Lebens-grundlage Wasser."


Otto Versand in 1965 offered a range of children's clothes. There are shoes for both boys and girls. There were two-toned shoes for both boys and girls, but none in the classic saddle style. I think saddle shoes were mostly an American style. The boy's two stone style seems different than any thing I remember in America.

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Created: March 22, 2004
Last updated: March 22, 2004