Italian Advertisemnts and Mail Order Catalogs with Boys Clothings: 2002

Figure 1.--

Little boys still wore dresses in 1902. Two of the most popular styles for boys in 1902 were tunic suits and sailor suits. For dress occassions boys might still wear Fauntleroy suits.



Tunic Suits

Fauntleroy Suits

Sailor Suits

Reefer Suits





Holiday Clothes

Many companies offered clothing styled for the Christmas holiday season.

Botique holiday clothes

Italian botique offered these outfits in 2002 for the holiday season. The children wear coordinated outfits with green plaid material. Plaid is a popular pattern for holiday clothing. Notice the older boy's short hair cut.

Christopher Wagner

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Created: November 28, 2002
Last updated: November 28, 2002