Unknown Japanese Mail Order Catalog: School Uniforms (2005)

Figure 1.--Here is a school uniform style that we have not noted Japanese school uniforms actually wearing. Presumably some do. Click on the image to see another style, we think for junior highschools. This is another style we have not noted actually being worn.

A HBC reader has noted school uniforms offered in an unknown web-based catalog during 2005. Unfortunately we do not know the name of the company or have any of the ad copy describing the styles and garments. The styles offered were for the various school levels. We notice school uniform styles offered in a web-based catalog. Some of the styles offered seem new. Apparently a uniform company is experimenting with some new styles. There were also some traditional styles. We are not at all sure how popular they will prove. We have not noticed schools actually empoying some of these styles, but presumably some schools have adopted them.

Figure 2.--The catalog also had some more traditional styles.


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Created: 11:35 PM 11/30/2005
Last updated: 11:35 PM 11/30/2005