Australian Advertisements and Mail Order Catalogs with Boys Clothing: 2009

Figure 1.-- We are not sure whast UV protection this sundage swim set offered. Perhaps it was thast the shirt was to worn on the beach.

Casual clothing is very popular for Australian children. Styles continue to generally follow those worn in America. We note beachwear advertised as sunfsafe and UV protection. This is an important theme in Australian children's wear. We also notice ads for school uniforms. Casual styles are popular at many schools. We are not entirely sure about why some of the garments were considered sunsafe. Perhaps boys were incouraged to swim with their shirts. Hopefully our Australian raders will tell us more about this. Some of the trunks seem shorter and tighter than recent swim fashion trends.


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Created: 6:11 PM 10/27/2009
6:11 PM 10/27/20095:16 PM 10/27/2009