American Advertisements: Lord & Taylor Bathing Suits (1879)

Figure 1.--We note a Lord & Taylor's newspaper for bathing suits, both for men, women, and children. Interestingly both men and boys wore long pants. We are not sure how common that was. I thought that 19th century bathing suits for men and boys used knee pants, but this ad is earlier than any actual photographs we have archived. The women and girls wear pantalettes style pants. Age does not seem to be a factor in the suits, only gender. We do not see any wide-brimmed sun hats. It read, "Bathing Suits: A great specialyu at Lord & Taylor's, Broadway and 20, Street, N.Y." The ad appeared in the The Daily Graphic, June 14, 1879. Put your cursor on the image to see the rest of the image.

We note a Lord & Taylor's newspaper for bathing suits, both for men, women, and children. Interestingly both men and boys wore long pants. We are not sure how common that was. I thought that 19th century bathing suits for men and boys used knee pants, but this ad is earlier than any actual photographs we have archived. The women and girls wear pantalettes style pants. Age does not seem to be a factor in the suits, only gender. We do not see any wide-brimmed sun hats. The hats look to be strw hays with minimal brims held on with ribbons. And the people pictured are all wearing shoes. We are not sure if the same styles were worn in Europe. Lord & Taylor's was on the a high-end of the department stores that had opened in New York. The ad did not provide any details except the illustration. It read, "Bathing Suits: A great specialyu at Lord & Taylor's, Broadway and 20, Street, N.Y." The ad appeared in the The Daily Graphic, June 14, 1879.


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Created: 4:49 PM 3/8/2005
Last updated: 4:49 PM 3/8/2005