HBC has acquied some catalog pages that are undated. We have archived the pages that we believe date to the 1890s here, as we can not identify the specific year. Hopefully we may be eventually able to date these pages. We have found catalog information on hats. We also have found a pattern ad for a bodice skirt.
W.M. Reinerth & Co., a New Orleans wholesaler specializing in
hats, offered a variety of hats for children and boys. The children's
hats denote a younger boy and boys' hats are for older boys, although the specific ages are not specified. One of the key cgharacteristic for the younger children are a more noticably rounded crown.
Kilts suits were a very popuar style for a younger boy. A boy during the summer might wear the kilt/skirt without a suit jacket. Some times a boy only had the skirt and not the suit jacket which would have been hard to sew at home. We note a magazine ad for a boy's bodice skirt and blouse from a 1890s fashion magazine. Unfortuntely we do not have the exact date or name of the magazine. It was for a boy 2-7 years. Interestingly the mgazine does not bother to call it a kilt and uses the term skirt.
Both boys and girls in Americ commonly wore long stockings in the 1890s.
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