We note rubbers and overshoes offered by Montgomery Ward in their #56 1894-95 catalog. One is rather curiously called a "safety strap sandles". Along with these shoes are what Wards calls "Alaskas" and "Arctics". Interesting that they are called "sandals" when they are rubbers/overshoes. They are not supposed "to come off" in the mud. Terminology was not always consisent. Strap shoe types were generally called sandals or slippers at the time. And the "safety strap sandals" are shaped rather like a child's strap shoe. The ad copy reads, "Boys' safety strap sandals, not lined, first quality, sizes 1-6. Weifgt19 oz. Per pair $0,54." Interestingly a similar overshoe was made for men. This style, however, was not made for girls or women. I'm not sure why as strap shoes in gtheis style were worn by boys and girls.
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