American Catalogs and Advertisements: Sears Turtle-Neck Sweater (1902)

Figure 1.--Here Sears use the term "roll-neck" rather than turtle neck sweater. Notice the detsiling with contrasting colored bands at the neck, wrists cuffs, and waistband. We have noticed similar detailing in British school sweaters.

Here Sears use the term "roll-neck" rather than turtle neck sweater. Notice the detsiling with contrasting colored bands at the neck, wrists cuffs, and waistband. We have noticed similar detailing in British school sweaters. The Sears ad copy read, "Boys' Roll Neck Sweaters. No. 16R8064 Boys' Strong, All Wool, Ribbed Sweater, with fancy ribbed rolled collar; elastic ribbed cuffs and tail; all wool; warranted to give good service. PLain colors, black, maroon, or navy. Sizes 24 to 34 breast measure. Price, each . . . 75 c.; Per dozen $9.00. If by mail, postage extra, each, 10 cents."


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Created: 11:04 PM 9/18/2004
Last updated: 11:04 PM 9/18/2004