Sprague One-Piece Play Suit (1907)

Figure 1.-- We note a Sprague advertisement for a boy's play suit with a large-collar blouse and matching knickers. The garment was manufactured by the Fred'k H. Sprague Co. This is an interesting garment of which I was completely unaware until I saw the advertisement. This is a one-piece play suit for boys from 2 1/2 to 8 years old.

We note a Sprague advertisement for a boy's play suit with a large-collar blouse and matching knickers. The garment was manufactured by the Fred'k H. Sprague Co. This is an interesting garment of which I was completely unaware until I saw the advertisement. This is a one-piece play suit for boys from 2 1/2 to 8 years old. It combines three garments in one--a blouse, knickerbocker trousers, and underwaist. It comes in three colors (blue, brown and red) and can be had in plain or polk dot style. The blouse or top is fastened to an inner waist so as to give a permanent blousing ef


The garment was manufactured by the Fred'k H. Sprague Co. The company was located at 60 Main St., Orange, Mass. We have very little information about the company at this time.

The Youths' Companion

This appeared in The Youth's Companion for March 7, 1907, p. 115. The publication described itself as "An Illustrated Weekly Paper For Young People and the Family." It was established in 1827. The magazine was published in Boston, Massachusetts, by the Perry Mason Company, 201 Columbus Avenue. It appeared under this title until 1929. It was in the late 19th century one of the most popular weekly periodicals in America and known for the quality of the writing. The magazine catered to teen-age boys and girls especially, containing articles on sports, on hobbies, and on various literary and cultural interests. But it was really a family magazine and had many advertisements for clothing, both adult and children's. The magagazine had a very strict policy about the advertising carried because its readers were mostly children.


This is an interesting garment of which I was completely unaware until I saw the advertisement. This is a one-piece play suit for boys from 2 1/2 to 8 years old. It combines three garments in one--a blouse, knickerbocker trousers, and underwaist. It comes in three colors (blue, brown and red) and can be had in plain or polk dot style. The blouse or top is fastened to an inner waist so as to give a permanent blousing effect. The inner waist also has "extensions" or tabs (like an underwaist) so that hose supporters can be attached. The All-in-One play suit sells for only $1.00, cheaper for mothers who would otherwise have to buy separate blouses, trousers, and underwaists for their younger boys. I have no idea how popular this combination garment actually was, but the ad reappeared several times in the 1907 issues of The Youth's Companion. Note that a matching cap is included. The ad text reads, "Sprague's All-in-1 Play Suit. A combination suit consisting of knickerbocker trousers and blouse waist, together with an inner waist, forming a complete suit--All-In-One. Inner waist so arranged as to give permanent blouse effect to outer waist; also has extensions for garters [i.e., hose supporters]. All-In-One Suits are made of a washable, fast color, wear-resisting fabric, in blue, brown and red, in plain and polka dot. Sizes 2 1/2 to 8 years. Ask your dealer for All-in-One Play Suits. Suit Complete with Cap to Match. $1.00 Post-paid. In ordering be sure to send boy's age. Money refunded if not satisfactory."


These garments do not seem to have been all that popular, we notice them being offered for only a short period. We notice another ad in 1909 Sprague All-In-1 Play Suit.


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Created: 12:15 AM 1/17/2005
Last updated: 7:17 PM 5/19/2006