The Wee Boy in Summer (1910)

Figure 1.--This 1910 fashion article looks to be a magazine page, but we do not know the magazine. It discussed some todler outfits designed by Lilian Bartion Wilson. We note some skirted items for todlers, both dresses and tunics. One dress is heavily smocked. Another is a very plain frock. Notice that despite the title of 'The wee bioy in summer', that most of the outfits had long sleeves.A variety of fabrics were recomnmended, including linen and cotton (calico, gingham, and lawn). Unfortunately we can't read the text. The boys look to be about 2-4 years old. Some of the boys in the accompanying illustrations have short ringlets, abive the shoulder lengths. Both dresses and ringlets were becoming less common for boys, even toddler boys by the 1910s, although tunics were a very popular style.

Younger boys wore skirted garments throughout the 19th century. This convention began to decline in the 1890s, especially after the 1895. And it became much less common for boys to wear skirted garments in the 1900s. We still note some skirted items for todlers, both dresses and tunics, in 1910. We notice some summer skirted todler outfits for boys designed by Lilian Bartion Wilson (figure 1). Some of the boys in the article illustration have short ringlets. Both dresses and ringlets had become less common for boys, even toddler boys by the 1910s, although tunics were a very popular style. Skirted garments, however had not yet totally disappearred. We can not read the text, but the outfits look like they are for boys from about 2-3 or possibly 4 years of age. This seems to ba specialty botique. We see less of the skirted outdfits for boys (except tunics) in the mainline mailorder catalogs like Sears and Wards meaning that it was a declinging convention.


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Created: 8:38 PM 12/9/2013
Last updated: 8:38 PM 12/9/2013