American Mail Order Catalogs with Boys Clothings: Footwear (1915)

Figure 1.--Sears in 1915 offered Barefoot Sandals for me. In the photographic record we mostly see younger childrern wearing them.

High-top shoes were still common in the 1910s. We see low-cut oxfords, but they were not as commomn. We see quire a number of children wearing sandals. They dirst appeared in the 1900s, but became more common in the 1910s. Swears offered them for adults and children. We mostly see younger boiys wearing them in the photographic record. They were rarely worn to school by boys. It is sometimes difficult to detinguish between a shoe and a sandal. A reader writes, "I note from the early 1900 catlogs that anything with a single, double, or multiple strap was called a sandal at the time. Button or lace versions were called shoes or boots." We also see canvas tennis shoes.

Sears Barefoot Sandals

Barefoot sandals were featured in Sears catalogs througout the 1910s, including 1915. The barefoot sandal was a double bar, t-strap closed toe sandal. Threy were called barefoot because it was as cool in the summer as going barefoot. We see these sandals offered at the top of page 253. Listed as "Barefoot sandal". The ad copy read, "Stichdown WeltWeight 1 3/8 pounds. Black , Tan,and white. Big misses sizes 2 1/2 to 7, Misses sizes 12 to 2, children's sizes 8 to 111/2 and infants sizes 5 to 8." We also note and ad for men's barefoot sandals. We rarely see men wearing them in the photographic record.

Sears Tennis Shoes

Another itrem in the 1915 catalog (page 257) shows tennis shoes. These are canvas as opposed to the leather saddle shoe. These are thus much less costly and are available in men, women, boys and dhildren sizes. The ad copy read, "Canvas uppers with flexible chrome leather soles -- no tacks or stitches to hurt the feet - much lighter than rubber and wear better -- do not 'draw' the feet -- noiseless and will not squeak. An ideal shoe for outing and all athletic wear." Notice the one on the right looks ike a modern Ked. I believe I read somewhere that Keds appeared about 1915.


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Created: 8:57 PM 8/22/2009
Last updated: 8:57 PM 8/22/2009