American Mail Order Catalogs with Boys Clothings: 1915--Stuarts Hosiery

Figure 1.--Stuart's in 1915 offered a variety of hosiery for children and infants.

Stuarts in 1915 offered a wide range of socks and stockings for boys and girls, but only one style of stocking supporters. Some hosiery was made specifically for boys or girls. Other socks were made for infants and children that did not specify gender. tckings were made for boys and girls. Socks were mostly made for younger chidren up to about 8 years of age.

Boys' and Girls Socks and Stockings

Although the term "socks" is in the heading, the individual description is for hose and stockings. The colors are mostly black, white and tan, Heavy, medium, and light weight are offered. The boys' styles are mostly heavy weight and black color. Cotton and silk are the principal materials. The sizes vary from 5 1/2 to 10 years.

Children's Hose Supporters

Stuarts sell only the genuine "Velvet Grip" with cushioned button, guarated. Saftey pin at top. White cotton 15 cents, Mercerized 25 cents. Sizes 2 to 6 years.

Dainty Hosiery for Tiny Tots

Stuarts suggests that thge parents send a pencil outline of the baby's feet.

Eight styles of Socks for Infabnts

These socks range from size 4 to 8 1/2. This overlaps with the sizes for boys and girls discusssed above. There is a much greater variety in color and weave. There is a white lace open work sock. There is also blue and pink socks. This choice suggests that gender cnventins were berginning to form. The term "socks" is used here. There are socks, ewith black, pink, or bluid plid tops. The materials are cotton andf silk. Lisle thread is also mentioned.

Infants Long Socks

Again sizes range friom 4 to 8 1/2. The materials are silk, cashmere, and lace. The colors are white, blue, tan, and pink, but unlike fior the older chidren, no black. One white styke is described as elegant.

Christopher Wagner

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Created: July 12, 2001
Last updated: July 12, 2001