Stuart's Oliver Twist Suits, 1915

Figure 1.--Stuart's offered a simple, casual short pants outfit for a toddler boy styled an "Olver Twist suit. It had button-on styling with a comfortable square Russian collar. The illustration suggest it was a play suit. .

Stuart's offered a simple, casual knee-length short pants outfit for a toddler boy styled an "Olver Twist suit. The accompanying illustration suggests that it was a play suit. It had button-on styling with a comfortable square Russian collar. The illustration suggest it was a play suit. The boys' suit was pictured with a girl wearing a very different style--a frock with bloomers. It looked much like the tunic suits for boys that appeared at the turn of the 20th century. The pairing of these two outfits is a good example of the increasing popularity of gender specific styles.

Christopher Wagner

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Created: May 2, 2001
Last updated: May 2, 2001