American Patents: Combined Underwaist-Shoulder Brace (1915)

Figure 1.--This is a diagram of Ms Perry's combined underwaist--shoulder brace. The Patent Office approved the patent in 1915. This waist is for children--from about 2 years to 16 years (both boys and girls).

We begin to see patents for stocking supporters in the 1860s. Some may have been even issued even earlier. We note quite a number issued in the late 19th century. We note a patent for an underwaist-shoulder brace in 1915. This waist is for children--from about 2 years to 16 years (both boys and girls). The applicant/inveter was Lena R. Perry. Women inventors were active in the garment trade. She calls it a "combined underwaist and shoulder brace". Although in the explanation she used the term suspender waist. Ms Perry explains, "This invention is a novel combined suspender waist and shoulder brace, particularly designed for children; and the object of the invention is to provide a suspender waist and brace to which the lower undergarments of the child can be attached and suspended thereby from the shoulders of the child, and which will assist the child in standing errect without interfering with the free movements of the body; and which will be comfortable for the wearer." The accompanying text provided details on the construction and features: page 1 and page 2 .


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Created: 1:04 AM 11/23/2005
Last updated: 6:44 AM 5/9/2008