American Mail Order Catalogs: Shirts (1929)

Figure 1.--This Best & Co advertisement appaeared in 'The Boys' Buyer', a trade publication in April 1929. The ad copy for shirts and ties read, "Stripes in his shirt but not in his tie. The leopard hasn't changed his spots but the boy has changed his stripes! Now he wears them in his shirts and his tie is plain color. Woven opin stripe shirts in tan (in other colors too, of course) are favorites, also 10 to 18--3.50 smart with rust color ????? ???? tie 1.35."

We do not have a great deal of information on shirts in 1929 yet. We see fewer references to blouses and shirt waists greater use of just shirts for boys. We note a Best's ad which includes striped long sleeve dress shirts. Striped shirts were not new, this was more pronting a fashionable style. And Best's made the point that they should be worn with solid-colored ties and not striped ties.


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Created: 5:39 AM 1/8/2014
Last updated: 5:40 AM 1/8/2014