American Mail Order Catalogs with Boys Clothings: Suits (1935)

Figure 1.--This is a page from the 1935 Sears Spring-Summer catalog offering a range of suits. Note the suits are both form suits with jackets as well as play suits with matching or coordinated shirts and pants. From looking at the catalog, strap shoes were still popular for boys in the United States during the mid 1930s. Click on the image for a discussion of the footwear illustrated here.

We notice formal suits for dresswear offered with both short and long pants. There were also suits with knickers, but these were behinning to become less popular. They were somewhat more common for school-age boys and for winterwear. Two popular styles were Eton and Rugby styles. Note the use of English schools, and indicator as to how important Britain and Brotish schools were in boys' fashions. These are the only two suit styles mentioned on the Sears page here, except for double-breasted. The other descriptions involve some other aspect of the suit such as the material. Eton suits were a popular style beginning in the 1920s. Rugby suits also appeared in catalogs, but not as commonly. Eton suits haf jackets without lapels and were for younger boys. Rugby suits had jackets with lapels and were for slightly older boys.

Suit E: 5-Piece Tweed Rugby Suit

Rugby suits had jackets with lapels and were for slightly older boys than the Eton suits. The one deoicted here was donevin tweed. Notice the self-belt. The Sears ad copy read, "--Two fiths wool and silk tweed. --Rugby style coat with three patch pockets and half belted pinch back. --Full lined shorts with belt. Cotton broadcloth waist. Tie. ALL SIOZES: 4 to 10 years. State age-size. Shpg. wt. 1 lb 10 oz. 40H3304--Grey tweed with blue waist .... $2.39. 40H3305--Brown tweed with tan waist ... $2.39."


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Created: 2:21 AM 11/11/2005
Last updated: 2:21 AM 11/11/2005