* American mail order catalogs with boys clothes -- 1940 suits

American Mail Order Catalogs with Boys Clothings: Headwear (1940)

Figure 1.--This Best Department Store Catalog 1940 summer catalog page detail shows headear to be worn with summer outfits for younger boys. The peaked caps were common for dressy outfits. The turn dowm hat was more for play, but we domnot see many American boys wearing them in the photographic record. Click on the image to see the ad copy.

We notice a range of headwear in 1940 catalogs. And we gave caralog pages foir both summee and winter headwear. Flat caps were going out of style and being replaced with caps that had more rounded crowns. We note what were called 'helmets' during the witer. A Wards Fall-Winter 1940-41 catalog headwear page provided details. We also notice a 1940 Macy's spring and summer catalog page with headwear and rain coats. Macy's at the time was a large New Yprk department store rather than the huge national chain it is today. The items are mostly for girls, but there are a few items for boys as well. We note rain helmets, Eton (peaked) caps, and roller hats. The Macy's headwear seems more stylish and up-to-date than the Wards' offerings. We note Best picturing headwear with summer suits, incldiung peaked caps and soft turned down hats.


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Created: 7:24 AM 7/2/2020
Last updated: 7:24 AM 7/2/2020