Magazine Ads: Pennys Cardigans (1965)

Figure 1.--J.C. Penny offered cardigans in their Towncraft brand. They were done with a kind of fuzzy surface that Penny's called a 'brushed look'. They were done in stripes with various surfaces. The ad appeared in the August 27, 1965 issue of 'Life', page 11. Life was one of the most popular magazines in America. This would have been an effort to capitalize on the back to school season.

It seem to us that boys primarily wore pull-over sweaters in the 1960s, but there were also cardigans. The only I recall as being woirn wereletter-sweaters. J.C. Penny offered cardigans in their Towncraft brand. They were done with a kind of fuzzy surface that Penny's called a 'brushed look'. They were done in stripes with various surfaces. The ad appeared in the August 27, 1965 issue of Life, page 11. Life was one of the most popular magazines in America. This would have been an effort to capitalize on the back to school season. The ad copy read, "Comate Toencraft! 7.95. Luxury soft cardigans with the 65-important brushed-look--a superb blend of AcrilanŽ acrylic and lustrous mohair in boldf horizontal stripes, fll-rich colors with emblazined metal buttons. Machine washable, too! They're Penny's own Towncraft, your assurance of first quality akways. The price speaksfor itself. Unmistakable, unbeatable value for school-bound boys. Sizes 6 to 20 ... at most J.C. Penney stores from coast to coast. Charge it."


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Created: 5:55 AM 1/1/2011
Last updated: 5:55 AM 1/1/2011