American Mail Order Catalogs with Boys Clothings: Garments--Hats

Figure 1.--.

American mail order catalogs offer a very view of the styles and garments overtime to help us view changing fashion trends. HBC has noted a wide variety of headwear advertised in clothing catalogs during the late 19th century. Hats seemed more popular in the 19th century while more informal caps became increasinly popular in the 20th century. Also the numbers of different styles decvlined are the 20th century progressed.

Reinerth Child and Boys' Hats

W.M. Reinerth & Co., a New Orleans wholesaler specializing in hats, offered a variety of hats for children and boys. The children's hats denote a younger boy and boys' hats are for older boys, although the specific ages are not specified. One of the key cgharacteristic for the younger children are a more noticably rounded crown. Unfortunately the catalog is pages here are undated, but HBC estimates that it was about 1890.

Christopher Wagner

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Created: May 26, 2001
Last updated: May 26, 2001