American Mail Order Catalogs with Boys Clothings: Garments--Kilts

Figure 1.--.

American mail order catalogs offer a very view of the styles and garments overtime to help us view changing fashion trends. HBC has not noted Highland kilts in American mail order catalogs. We have noted some old photographs of boys wearing these kilts, they were probably ordered from seamstresses or made by the mothers or, more likely house staff abecause the boys wearing them probably came from affluent families. While Highland kilts were not commonly offered, kilt suits were very common for young bous through the early 1900s.

Boys Kilt Suits

HBC has noted kilt suits for boys only in sizes from 2 1/2 to 6 years. The earliest catalog we have at this time dates to the early 1880s, but they were probably offered in the early 1870s catalogs as well. They were dark garments, usually in blue, brown, and green. Common materials were flannel, cheviot, cashmere, and a variety of others fabrics. They were available in both one-piece (bodice) and two-piece srtyles.

Other Suits

HBC has noted noted Highland kilts or other kiklt garments in American mail order catalogs.

Christopher Wagner

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Created: April 19, 2001
Last updated: April 19, 2001