Swedish Clothing Manufacturers: Algots

Figure 1.-- At this time we only have an advertisement from the back page of an old "Donald Duck" comic book published in Sweden. The ad is from August 1969 and shows the fashion that was coming that fall! The manufacturer was Algotsīs, which was the biggest company in Sweden for childrensī clothes.

We note an advertisement from the back page of an old "Donald Duck" comic book published in Sweden. The ad is from August 1969 and shows the fashion that was coming that fall! The manufacturer was Algotsī, which was the biggest company in Sweden for childrensī clothes. They disapeared during the 1970s, when it became unprofitable to make clothes in Sweden and cheaper to import them from Korea and elsewhere! The boy with the very red jacket shows a very popular garment, even though that type of red wasnīt too popular! A reader writes, "I remember them myself - I had a similar one (I was 14 years old that summer!), but in blue! The material was some kind of synthetic fabric, almost like vinyl-coating or PVC! Since we are almost at the beginning of the 70s, boys and girls are dressed almost the same, as you can see! The word was "uni-sex fashion"! At the bottom of the ad you can also see the Royal crest, showing that they were delivering clothes to the Royal family.


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Created: 4:27 AM 2/19/2005
Last updated: 4:28 AM 2/19/2005