Elder Manufacturing Company: Tom Sawyer Brand--Chronology

Figure 1.-- The Tom Sawyer brand was a popular brand in the late-1910s and 20s. There were expensive, color sds in major magazines. The color ads provide valuable information about color to supplement the black-and-white photography of the day. We have not yet been able to date the ad here, but would guess it was printed about 1920. Note that they are not wearing long stockings which was the most commonly worn hosiery with knickers.

The Tom Sawyer brand was a popular brand in the laste-1910s and 20s. A good example is a Tom Sawyer white sailor tunic made about 1920. We have noted ads for Tom Sawyer clothing in magazines at the time. A good example here is a Tom Sawyer sailor suit, we think in the early 1920s. There were expensive, color sds in major magazines. The Tom Sawyer brand clothing we note in the 1910s and 20s were stylish outfits like tunic suits and sailor suits. We also see more standard items like blouses/shirts and knickers. Here boys are dressed up in blouses with ties/bows, and knickers for a portrait (figure 1). Unfortunaely it is undated, but would have been printed about 1920. Note that they are not wearing long stockings which was the most commonly worn hosiery with knickers. We see fewer ads by the 1930s. We are unsure why the company changed their advertising campaign. Perhaps the Depression was a factor.


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Created: 1:52 AM 12/10/2005
Last updated: 5:59 PM 7/30/2009